
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How are you?

Good morning all of my beautiful people (and I do mean each and every one of you).

I have a quick snip-it to share with you.  Do you remember a time when you went through something so bad or even traumatizing? Did any one try to warn you first? Did you ever try to warn someone else to not do something because you know the pain and hurt you went through?

To those that are being warned not to do something, Please listen and take heed. They are only looking out for your safety and they do not want you to go through the pain and hurt that they experienced.

You are special, someone cares enough to tell you because they care!

Have a great day and Keep your chin up!!! :)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Prom 2

There is always consequences for your actions.

So it is prom night and you are super excited and getting ready for a night of fun. You remember a few of your friend invited you over to their house for a party that will have alcohol and most likely drugs. You try to push it out of your mind but you know a lot of the cool kids are going to be there.

What do you do?

Best thing to do is go to the dance and have fun. After the prom is over go to the designated after prom party provided by your school or go out to eat with your friends or you can have a bunch of your friends meet up at your house and have a sleep over. This helps in so many ways without you even realizing it. First it puts your parents mind at ease, second it keeps you off of the streets with people who are drinking and driving, third you will save so much money and still get to have a ton of fun and great memories to hold on to with your friends.

Now lets say you choose to go to the party with all of the cool kids. Lets look at all the bad things that happen from this. You get drunk and get alcohol poisoning, now your friends are going to have to drive you to the hospital. Or they can all be to scared to say anything because they don't want to get in trouble and they leave you at the party because they think you will be ok... later you go into a coma and die.  But wait that is not the only thing. Lets say you get drunk and you throw up on your self and you pass out. Would your friends give you mouth to mouth with throw up in your mouth if you where gagging and suffocating on your own vomit? I promise you the friends you think that are your friends are truly not when it comes to having to put their life on the line for you. You could get drunk and even pass out and you get raped because you are passed out. You could also do a drug at the party you have never tried before and over dose.  But lets not stop there because there is more. You decide I am going to go to a hotel with my boyfriend and have sex for the first time. Most girls end up pregnant on their prom night. Now you have to give up a life of journey and freedom because you have to take care of another living being. What if the dad does not want to stay with you? It happens all the time. He leaves you alone and goes on with his life and you are stuck working your butt off just to buy the baby milk.

All I am saying is think before you act. There is always consequences for your actions. Now this has not happened to everyone that went to a party after prom but think of how many people say "that wont happen to me" and then it happens to them.

To all of my seniors there PLEASE be careful on your prom night, think twice, and BE SAFE!!!!

Monday, April 15, 2013



The most exciting time of the year for seniors.  The girls are running around looking for the perfect dress and the amazing shoes to match. They have to find the most sparely jewelery, get their hair done, and also their nails. The boys are also running around trying to find a shirt to match their dates dress and making sure they have enough money to pay for the tickets, the dinner, and anything else to complete their look for the night.

The day of the dance is full of electric air and everyone is excited to get all dressed up. Friends are making plans to spit a limbo or ride together or even spend the night at someones house after the night is through.

But in the side lines there are friends who are planning trips, parties, hotels, and more.  All SUPER bad ideas!!!  Most of these ideas include Alcohol and drugs.

When prom comes around and it is time to graduate, that is a time you are preparing to live your life.  It is true freedom. You get to go to college, pick and choose what time to go and what days to attend, if you don't like a teacher you can drop them and get another one, you get a job or already have one, you can also get a chance to move up and become someone amazing.  The list goes on and on, the list is endless of all the fun you can have amazing journeys you can live out.

Going back to the bad ideas, this is where a lot of seniors life of adventure ENDS! 

To be continued......

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring is Here...

Hello Everyone,

Spring is here. Time for a new start and fun beginnings. Time for throwing out the old and bringing in the new. I have already started my spring cleaning, starting with my garage. It was so wonderful to get back the space I needed and wanted for so long. I can now park both cars into the garage and not have to squeeze around boxes from the move.

As you know this also compares to your own life. A time in  your life when you are ready to throw out the old and start all over again. It is an exciting time which you don't have to be afraid of. Think of it this way; breaking up with a boyfriend, forgiving a friend, making new friends, moving to a new neighborhood etc... It is scary at first but after you do it, it can be a very liberating feeling. Almost like throwing away an old shirt you liked so much. You loved it when you first got it but after a while it got old, washed out, faded, and could not fit you anymore. You feel sad because you loved it so much and you don't want to part with it but you are ready to throw it out and get a new shirt. That feeling of something new is always a great feeling.

Knowing it is new and it is yours makes you happy and confident. This spring be strong and throw out your old things that don't bring you joy, that hurt you , that only put you in a slump. This is your time to shine so go out there and show everyone your new beginnings! :)