
Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Now I know a lot of us has done a the right thing in life and listened to just about everything that our parents told us, But on the other hand there is quite a bit of us that has gone off on our own journeys to live a live of adventure.

This post is to those that decided to venture off and figure out the world...

I was grown up in a very tight nit family. We did everything together. My parents did everything in their power to protect my sibling and I from danger and bad influences. But out of my siblings I was the one that wanted to venture out on my own and figure out the world.
I have been through some crazy ups and downs, disappointing my parents, hurt friends, getting my own feeling hurt, you name it.
My parents where sad to see me make some of the decisions that I made but what they did not relies is that their prayer and God alone had his hand over me, protecting me, and the lessons that I was learning was for my future.

I can now say that out of all the good and bad decisions I made in my life that I was able to share my life experiences with others. It was so much easier to relate to others and then give them advice on what mistakes I made and how to avoid these things in their own lives.

Life is such a crazy journey...can you relate?

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