
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Its been a while....

Hello Everyone,

It has been a while since I have been on.  Life has been busy for me but I have been loving it.  My nephew was born and I have been spending every second with him that I can.

Which brings me to my first point.  The birth of your first child, niece, nephew, cousin, etc.... is so exciting, fun and new. All you want is to just hold the baby and watch them sleep. You want them to like you the most out of your family and you want to spoil them to no end.  But this is not always the best idea.

Now don't get me wrong. I plan on spoiling my nephew the same way I plan on spoiling my own children. If they work hard for what they want then I will run out in a heart beat to get it for them. But now a days I see to many parents spoiling their children no matter what the child does. These children now a days are running amok. The child is in the store screaming for a toy and just to shut them up they buy it. Parent don't want to discipline their children. They want the teachers in the schools to do it, while the teacher is also trying to teach a classroom full and now overflowing of children. Strange enough I have even seen parent call the police to say they are scared of their 8 year old son or daughter because the child hits them. The police are not there for disciplining your child. They have more important things to do like get criminals.  If you don't discipline your child at a young age please believe they might turn into one of those criminals when they grow up.

Imagine being a teacher with very little pay, waking up 5 in the morning getting ready for work. reaching to the school by 7am to receive the children getting off the bus or being dropped off by the parents, Then teaching 30 children (all on different learning levels), while also trying to disciple all the children (also on different behavioral levels) and trying to reach the states educational goal. But that is not all, they also have lives of their own, caring for their own children, husband, house, bills, extended family, plus also grading papers for the children after hours at home because there is not enough time to do it at work.

Parents need to start standing up to the plate and disciplining their children. It is not hard and there is time to do it. While you are cooking dinner and your children are normally watching TV, playing on their game station, playing with toys; that is the perfect time sit your children down with a book, have them help you in the kitchen, set the dinner table, talk to you about their day. It should not be parents pick the child up from school, try to keep them busy until dinner, feed them and then send them off to bed.

What time are you spending with your children? Do they know when you say to do something to do it the first time? Do your children throw fits in the store because they want something? Do you give in? When their teachers call you because they need help with building your child up to be a great standing citizen, do you talk to your child and work with them or do you scream at the teacher saying it is their fault?

My parents always told me that if I complained about my teachers then their is something I am not doing as a student. (Now I do understand there is bad teachers out there but as a parent are you going to the school or checking with the teacher to see what is going on?)

To wrap this all up all I wanted to say is raise your children for not just you but for others. (Meaning- raise your child to be independent and to treat others as they would like to be treated) Because when they grow up and your child is out of control and harassing other people it will all come back to you as a parent.

Have a great day and if you would like to chime in on this conversation please do. Join your friends. I would love to reach people who just need advice that maybe they never got or people who need to open their eyes to a new way to approach working with their children. 

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